Friday, January 4, 2008

January 4, 2008

I am packed and ready. Having learned as much as I could, here are my predictions:
- When we arrive, the airport will be circa 1950, and the baggage claim will be a zoo, with people clamoring to help me carry my bags, find a taxi, and wipe my nose.
- There will be vibrant colors, lively sounds, and despicable smells as I travel about. It will take a few days to become accustomed to it.
- People will be friendly and respectful everywhere I go. Beggars will be rampant, but not intrusive.
- Tips will be appreciated, even in very small denominations.
- The hotels will be on par with the finest in the world. The water is another story.
- Mumbai will be a clash of extreme poverty and extraordinary wealth. Both will seem satisfied with their lot. Everyone will be working hard.
- Bangalore will have more green than Mumbai, although traffic will be abysmal. Facilities will be very high-tech.
- Delhi will seem older and more stately, with a mix of styles between Mumbai and Bangalore.
- The managers we are meeting with will be so smart it is scary.
- Power outages will be frequent, although the hotels will have generators. Roads will be clogged with standard and creative means of transportation.
- Everything available in America will be available there, from toiletries to tailored suits. While prices are negotiable in most markets, high-end stores will hold fast to pricing.

Recommendations I have received:
- Eat only hot food; vegetarian food is excellent.
- Take a small (3" by 4") notebook to record news on the spot.
- Get a group and buy a few cheap cell phones with minutes. This will help us coordinate activities while we are there.
- Don't give money to the poor. It may be a well-orchestrated ring that barely benefits those in need.
- Take small denominations (10-20 rupees) for tips for minor tasks.
- Cheap jewelry is very cheap and makes great gifts for Americans.
- Go to church. Experience all you can.
- Do something you would not do otherwise. It may be a catalyst for new adventures.
- Ride in a rickshaw.
- Only take one carry-on bag. The airlines may frown upon my typical limit-pushing.

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